Thursday, July 30, 2009

How do you keep your hair "UP" all day?

Okay, my hair looks grade-A TIGHT! It's like choppy and spikey on the back, with the emo to-the-side hair on the front and chobby on the sides. I love it! It stays up, but I have P.E fourth hour, and it get's ruined. What's a way to hold it up better? It would hold up if I didn't have gym... I've got this BedHead Wax Spray stuff, think if I spray that on it'll keep it in place? Thanks! :D

How do you keep your hair "UP" all day?

Bring some product with you to school so you can freshen up after class.

Sweating and getting a work out is pretty much going to ruin your hairstyle no matter what.

How do you keep your hair "UP" all day?

Rather then asking us...why not just TRY the stuff you bought, lol, see if that works...

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