Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hair straightening stuff??

i'm looking for the emo look but my hair just wont straighten i've tryed tons of diffrent irons. my hairs kinda wavy and verry poofy when i come outta the shower,. help!?!

Hair straightening stuff??

first of all, make sure u dry ur hair right after u get out of the shower, and there is this spray that i use, called proclaim, that u can find at salons, and in the morning, i straighten my hair with a straightener, and i spray my hair that i am about to straighten, then once i am all done, i spray it again, and i also use this blamy-like stuff, called "dirt" and it works good too, plus get a hairspray that is for straight hair, like the "aussie" kind, that has a purple can, that way, ur hair wont get frizzy during the day. also, use the "aussie" straightening shampoo and conditioner, to help, or use the erbal essences straightening shampoo, and conditioner, to help the straightening process.

Hair straightening stuff??

There is a product called Sleek by Matrix, its great stuff. There is a whole styling line just for straightening.

Hair straightening stuff??

Sunsilk 24/7 Straightening Creme!! It's Great! Blow dry your hair with it!

And try a smoothing shampoo, Garnier has a good one!

Good Luck!

Hair straightening stuff??

you want something good to straighten hair? Dont buy products that dont work like sunsilk and pantene , those products work for a day and that's it, also using gels dont work either , if you go to an african beauty store you can find some good products that actually do work, and they will straighten your hair, and it will stay straight. After that , use a straighteing iron. it works.There are tons of varieties to chose from an experienced sales person will help you, go in and show her your hair and she will show u the product u need.

Hair straightening stuff??

when u shower put on a bandana %26amp; a shower cap-make sure all your hair is tucked in. when str8ing ur hair u should maybe blow dry it %26amp; apply some frizz ease product-maybe from garnier fructis or pantenne pro-v. when u use a str8 iron-use a ceramic plate iron from con-air. u can buy it @ walgreens. on rainy days or humid days put on a hoodie or something-avoid humidity.

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