Saturday, August 1, 2009

What hair color is better?

I have natural blond I'm emo but..there is a problem...I want to color it but I don't know what color.I know that emo ppl usually go black..but I want to be a different emo and dye it orange like Nicole Kidman in Practical Magic...What would be better?

What hair color is better?

It would be better if you didn;t try to categorise yourself!

Just think about which colour makes your skin look better and go with that.

You may wish to be 'emo' but there's plenty of black haired emos out there who just look pasty/yellowed/washed out bc they simply should not have black haiR!!!

go find some hair swatches in a hair care shop and hold them up to your face, imagining which would look better.

Better to stand out by looking good than looking rubbish eh?

What hair color is better?

just leave it blonde

What hair color is better?

bleach it really light blonde with black underneath

that is very emo/scene

What hair color is better?

That is stupid, if you dye your blonde hair dark you'll probably never be able to get it back. Orange on blonde looks nasty to I wouldn't recomend. My sister did that and it looked horrible.

What hair color is better?

usually blond emo looks better than red emo but u could get a couple red streaks that would look good...and a choppy haircut

What hair color is better?

orange, no way! i'd go with a chocolate brown with a few lighter brown highlights and a hint of auburn highlights. just a hint! %26lt;33

What hair color is better?

if you were to dye it all go with a colour thats closest to your natural hair colour, so that would be the orangey colour. dont go black! black dye can ruin your hair, ive heard. since youre a blonde, i woudnt suggest a dark colour.

What hair color is better?

Well Nicole Kidman has strawberry blonde hair (not really orange) in that movie and I personally love that color. Since you already have blonde hair it wont look wierd. I say go for it! It will probably look super good and if not there is always color correction OOPS! at walgreens!

What hair color is better?

keep your hair the color it is an add some warm highlights. screwing around with permanent color is a disaster and you will wish you went with a subtle classy change than a really drastic "I wish I hadn't change". Here's a fun thing to do, go and try on some wigs to preview the color~

What hair color is better?

natural blonds can easily go in the red hue class due to your skin tones. go for the orange you can always color over it.

What hair color is better?

If you really want to color it try one of those temporary colors..Eventually you will get sick of it and trying to get back to blonde is a nag. I know this from personal experience:) Good luck!

What hair color is better?

orange looks horid and if u have blonde hair dark colours can stain it so go with a lighter brown with red streaks or just red streaks

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